
Thursday, August 14, 2014

Executive Committee Meeting Notes 6/30/14

Executive Committee Meetings

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Executive Committee Meeting Notes 6/23/14

Chamber Speakers Club Toastmasters

Club #600591 - Area H2  - District 4

The following is a summary of the minutes from our Executive Committee meeting.  Meeting began at 7:30 p.m.

Attending Officers:

Samya Boxberger-Oberoi: President, and VP of Education & Public Relations
Suzanne Mulcahy:  Secretary, and Treasurer
Lara Miller:  Assist Secretary
Martin Quan:  V.P. Membership
Fernando Albayeros:  Sgt. of Arms

1.  Update from the officers:

a)    President:
·        Samya went over the DCP Goals and what we needed to achieve them as a club.  We have achieved six goals and are now a Distinguished Club.
·        We can achieve Select Distinguished if two members can complete their CC goals. Suzanne completed her 10th speech and Lara will complete hers on 6/30/14.
·        Samya gave the new officers their officer’s roles and asked that they review them and write their individual goals and objectives.
·        She would like us to report our progress to her on the 2nd and the last Monday of each month.
b)    VP Education: 
·        The education series was completed and successful.  The presentations were completed on 6/9/14 and the evaluations occurred on 6/16/14.
c)    VP Membership:  
·        Martin just took on this role and does not have an update at this time.
d)    VP PR
·        The position is being opened for a new officer. 
e)    Treasurer: 
·        Suzanne went over the balance that we have available in the checking account and left on the master cards.
f)     Sgt. of Arms: 
·        New name tags will be completed. 
·        Will go over the inventory and purchase new ribbons if needed.

Officer Training:

Samya explained that officer trainings were now taking place and asked us to sign up for a session for each of our respective roles.   Samya recommended that we take the full training along with the officer’s training.  They are very beneficial and have excellent speakers.


It was recommended that we begin to create a budget for our club.  There was a suggestion that we raise our limit for the “ah counting” from $1.00 to $2.00 per evening.
The following are several suggestions of things that we could do with the dues that are collected:

·        Plan events for our club members
·        Host an Open House
·        Hold Toastmaster Contests
·        Purchase necessary items like ribbons, etc.
·        Purchase educational material for members
·        Purchase cards for the officers

Other Business:

The discussion on the website will be held at a future E.C. meeting.

Meeting was adjourned 8:45 p.m.

Monday, June 30, 2014

Executive Committee Meeting Notes 5/19/14

Chamber Speakers Club Toastmasters

Club #600591 - Area H2  - District 4

The following is a summary of the minutes from our Executive Committee meeting.  Meeting began at 4:30 p.m.

Attending Officers:

Samya Boxberger-Oberoi: President, and VP of Education & Public Relations
Suzanne Mulcahy:  Secretary, and Treasurer
Ruth Wadsworth:  Unable to attend
Sharon Pappas:  Sgt. of Arms

1.  Update from the officers:

a)    President:
·         Samya went over the DCP Goals and what we needed to achieve them as a club.  We have achieved six goals and are now a Distinguished Club.
·         We can achieve Select Distinguished if two members can complete their CC goals.
b)    VP Education: 
·         Martin and Lara gave the lessons on using the power point/
·         There is a proposed series now to have the members give individual presentations on the specific roles in Toastmasters.  They will be given credit for their speeches.
·         The presentations will occur on 6/9/14 and the evaluations will occur on 6/16/14.
c)    VP Membership:  
·         Ruth was absent.
d)    VP PR
Samya went over the remaining club officer’s roles including the goals and objectives.
·         She would like us to report our progress to her on the 2nd and the last Monday of each month.
e)    Treasurer: 
·         Suzanne went over the balance that we have available in the checking account and left on the master cards.
f)     Sgt. of Arms: 
·         New name tags still must be completed. 
·         Sharon informed the leadership team that she will be retiring from her position of Sgt. of Arms.

Other Business:

The executive committee members discussed the V.P. of Membership position.  Ruth has been unable to attend the meetings and Samya will be calling her to see if she would like to allow someone else to take on this role for now.  The new positions will be announced to the members at the next Toastmaster meeting. 

Meeting was adjourned 5:40 p.m.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Executive Committee Meeting Notes 4/14/14

Chamber Speakers Club Toastmasters
Club #600591 - Area H2  - District 4

Dear Chambers Speakers Circle Club Toastmasters,

The following is a summary of the minutes from our Executive Committee meeting.  Meeting began at 4:30 p.m.

Attending Officers:

Samya Boxberger-Oberoi: President, and VP of Education & Public Relations
Suzanne Mulcahy:  Secretary, and Treasurer
Ruth Wadsworth:  Unable to attend
Sharon Pappas:  Sgt. of Arms

1.  Update from the officers:

a)    President:
·        Samya went over the DCP Goals and what we needed to achieve them as a club.  We have achieved six goals and are now a Distinguished Club.
·        We can achieve Select Distinguished if two members can complete their CC goals.
b)    VP Education: 
·        We are having a new education program:  To learn how to do a power point presentation.
·        The first speaker is Martin who will explain how to use the power point.
·        The second speaker is Lara, who will show us how to create the power point. 
·        The next thing is to assign those members who volunteer to make presentations about specific roles using the power point.
·        The other members will do the evaluations.
c)    VP Membership:  
·        Ruth was absent.
d)    VP PR
·        Samya went over our club officer’s roles and would like each of us to write our goals and objectives.
·        She would like us to report our progress to her on the 2nd and the last Monday of each month.
e)    Treasurer: 
·        Suzanne went over the balance that we have available in the checking account and left on the master cards.
f)     Sgt. of Arms: 
·        New name tags have been completed.

Meeting was adjourned 5:40 p.m.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Executive Committee Meeting Notes 2/10/14

Chamber Speakers Club Toastmasters
Club #600591 - Area H2  - District 4

Dear Chambers Speakers Circle Club Toastmasters,

The following is a summary of the minutes from our Executive Committee meeting.  Meeting began at 4:30 p.m.

Attending Officers:

Samya Boxberger-Oberoi: President, and VP of Education & Public Relations
Suzanne Mulcahy:  Secretary, and Treasurer
Ruth Wadsworth:  VP of Membership
Sharon Pappas:  Sgt. of Arms

1.  Update from the officers:

a)    President:
·        Samya went over the DCP Goals and what we needed as a club to achieve them.  We are close to becoming a Distinguished Club.  Samya also encouraged the officers to attend a training meeting before the end of February. 
b)    VP Education: 
·        Mentoring program will be discussed at another meeting. 
c)    VP Membership:  
·        Ruth discussed how we can obtain more members.  She worked with Samya on changing our PR information to accurately reflect our new goals and meeting location.
d)    VP PR
·        Samya presented the new website information that will be added to correct our new meeting location and other changes.
e)    Treasurer: 
·        Posted new member applications.  Reviewed the balance in the account.  Suzanne also stated that the 990N tax report would be filed next week.
f)     Sgt. of Arms: 
·        Sharon reported that we have to purchase a new stop watch.  Arrangements were made to pick up the Toastmaster file from the Hillsdale Mall location.  
g)    Secretary:
·        The minutes are up to date and recorded on the website.

2.  City Hall Location:

·        The location for the new monthly Toastmaster’s meetings:
San Mateo City Hall, Rm A
330 W. 20th Ave.
San Mateo, CA 94403

·        Samya went over the rules of engagement for the San Mateo City Hall location.  It was unanimously voted to accept these rules and it will be presented to the members at tonight’s Toastmaster’s meeting.

·        The Toastmaster’s calendar will also be reviewed with the City Hall calendar to make sure that they are both consistent.

3.  Other Business:

·        It was decided that we would hold a Tall Tales contest within our club on March 17th.  The district contest will occur on March 20th.   The Executive Committee will meet to prepare for this event.
·        There was an agreement made that we would meet in the atrium prior to our meeting time, and would not disturb any meeting that was being held in our Meeting Room A.  In the event that there is someone in the room at 6:00 p.m., we will meet in an alternative room.

Meeting was adjourned 5:40 p.m.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Executive Committee Meeting Notes 11/11/13

Chamber Speakers Club Toastmasters

Club #600591 - Area H2  - District 4


Dear Chambers Speakers Circle Club Toastmasters,

The following is a summary of the minutes from our Executive Committee meeting.  Meeting began at 7:30 p.m.

Attending Officers:

Samya Boxberger-Oberoi: President, and VP of Education & Public Relations
Suzanne Mulcahy:  Secretary, and Treasurer
Ruth Wadsworth:  VP of Membership
Sharon Pappas:  Sgt. of Arms

1.  Update from the officers:

a)    President:
·       Discussed the holiday break and calendar for 2014.  It should be posted before we leave for the break.
b)    VP Education: 
·       Mentoring program to be discussed later in the meeting.
c)     VP Membership:  
·       Ruth submitted a plan to increase membership.  This plan was reviewed.
d)    VP PR
·       Discussed doing a Newsletter and have it set up on the website.
e)    Treasurer: 
·       Posted new member applications.  Reviewed the balance in the account.
f)      Sgt. of Arms: 
·       Nothing new to report.   
g)    Secretary:
·       Lara recorded the minutes in secretary’s absence and Samya reviewed the minutes.  They are now posted onto the website.

2.  Mentoring Program:

·       Samya discussed mentoring the members on the Competent Communicator Manual and the Competent Leadership Manual. 
·       Ruth further discussed how we could design a paper to track our goals in Toastmasters.  They can then be reviewed so each participant can see the progress they are making.

3.  Other Business:

·       The holiday break was discussed.  It was decided that December 9th would be our last meeting and we would return on January 13th
·       The committee reviewed the bank balance and it was decided that our club would host a meal at California Pizza for the members on December 9th
·       The above two items will be brought up at the next Toastmasters meeting for the members to vote on. 

 Meeting was adjourned 9:00 p.m.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Executive Committee Meeting Notes 9/12/13

 Chamber Speakers Club Toastmasters
Club #600591 - Area H2  - District 4

Dear Chambers Speakers Circle Club Toastmasters,

The following is a summary of the minutes from our Executive Committee meeting.  Meeting began at 7:30 p.m.

Attending Officers:

Samya Boxberger-Oberoi: President, and VP of Education & Public Relations
Suzanne Mulcahy:  Secretary, and Treasurer
Ruth Wadsworth:  VP of Membership
Sgt. of Arms:  Sharon Pappas

1.  President’s Update:

a)    Approval of past EC Meeting Notes:  Reviewed minutes of 8/19/13 minutes and they were approved.
b)    DCP Update:  3 goals were obtained:   

2.  Officer Updates (30 seconds):

a)    VP Education: 
·         Samya suggested that we do mentoring program for the members about C.C. and C.L.
b)    VP Membership:  
·         Follow-up on new members and hand out material to the mall vendors.
c)    VP PR
·         Write articles for the website and announce future well known guest speakers.
d)    Treasurer: 
·         We now have 16 members.
·         We have received all of the dues from the members.  We had two members decline to renew their membership.
e)     Sgt. of Arms: 
·         Sharon stated that all of the supplies have been ordered and received.
f)     Secretary:
·         The minutes will be completed and posted by Monday.

3.  Officer roles and responsibilities:

a)     Membership:  Plan to build-up membership.  Prepare a list of potential members and follow-up on the invitation to become members.

4.  Distinguished Program:

a)      Four new members have joined our club.
b)      Ruth and Suzanne and achieved their Competent Leadership awards. 

5.  Humorous Contest:
a)    4 members went to the contest.  It was very successful.  Tall tales will be the next contest.

6.  Guest Speakers:
a)     Katherine will be a guest speaker on 9/30/13.
b)   It was discussed that we would try and have a guest speaker every 6 weeks:
                  Guest Speakers:  10 minute speech and 10 min. of Q. & A.
      Guest Toastmaster Speaker:  10 min. speech including intro, and 10 min. personal and/or group evaluation.

7.  Other Business:
a)    Hold November meeting and have members set goals.
b)    Provide a mentoring session for members to organize and set personal goals for Toastmasters.
c)    No E.C. meeting in October.

Meeting was adjourned 8:45 p.m.